Located in the notorious Kabalagala this Bar, Pub, almost nightclub, pool hall has maintained the slot as the number 1 drinking spot in Kampala. Bars come and go and what is new and IN dies or is way NOT SO IN after only 6 months in this African Capital.
The same can not be said about Capital Pub. While many international agencies have it listed among the no-go zone places it is a Pub that since forever manage to get full by midnight on any night!! There are a number of expats that go to this place and while there might be a lot of opportunist girls there you will be quite ok as long as you don't buy them a beer. You have been warned! Visitors often think all girls in the place are prostitutes and this is not true so beware. It has a good mix of people from all aspects of life in Uganda but there is for sure less Mzungu's than you would find in some other places thus you can see more from Ugandan party life instead.
I have only seen 3 fights in the pub and those were very short lived and in all instances I ended up having a wall of local guys/girls between me and the people fighting. Not because I would be something special but rather because I treat everyone with respect. If you play pool you will never know if you are playing with a Minister or a boda-boda driver, it is just people having fun.
If you tell me you have been to Kampala and you missed this place then sorry , you have NOT been to Kampala and seen the nightlife.
There is no way to not have fun in Capital Pub whether you just want to play pool, listen to music, dancing, watching football ( no not the American stopwatch game), Rugby or go dancing.
The place has grown and seems to expand each year as they keep buying up properties around. The main interesting feature of the bar itself is that the center bar is built around a tree that is still alive. Thus the place is kind of not inside and kind of not outside either.
As with some of other of the good places Capital Pub does not close until the last customer leaves. If that happens to be at 1000 in the morning, so be it.
Friday and Saturday nights they want to charge entrance or parking fees but if you are a good client then you can make your way without paying anyway. The entrance fees where put there to act as a simple stop for thieves and people who for sure will not even buy a soda.
Drinks are cheap in Capital Pub so its a good place to start a party evening before moving on to a Disco down town.
Music-wise they have a DJ every night and the DJ changes most nights and so does the theme of the night.
As a party spot I give it 5 out of 5 every time.
Warning! As in any place in Uganda do not leave a drink out of sight, people have been poisoned and as far being out in any town common sense is a good thing to not loose track of.
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